A Few Things

Hello, Friends. How are you? I find it’s so hard to concentrate and get work done when the news cycle is particularly intense. You too? I have some house updates that I plan to share to Instagram, and I can’t seem to get in the right zone (if that makes sense).

This weekend, we’ll keep it low key. We’ll celebrate Oscar’s birthday, and maybe take a break from the internet. : ) How about you?

Ready for your weekend links? Here are a few things I’ve wanted to share:

Inside a Harrowing Day at the Capitol. The more I read about what happened that day and leading up to that day, the worse it gets.

-For the New Year, you can nudge the world in a better direction by donating some of prisoners’ most-requested books.

-I know it’s like 3 impeachable offenses ago, but this is Trump pressuring, threatening, and pleading with the Georgia Secretary of State to lie and endorse Trump’s wild claims of election fraud.

-What We’ve Lost: The Species Declared Extinct in 2020.

Good riddance Betsy Devos.

Mexican Hot Chocolate Mug Cakes.

-How Ammon Bundy Helped Foment an Anti-Masker Rebellion in Idaho.

-In November, I included this fancy nightgown on a gift guide. I ended up ordering one for Betty, but it was my first time ordering from that site and I wasn’t sure if I could trust it. Well, the nightgown arrived and it is so great!

Here are some tweets I saved for you:

No charges against the killers of Jacob Blake.

How do people not see it?


Resigning now? Pathetic.

Meghan McCain discovers empathy.

-This is brilliantly put.

-I’m of the opinion that those institutions can not be reformed.


-Do you remember this? I sure do.

-I see this happening and it drives me mad.

-Is everyone aware that Ginni Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, is an extreme right wing fanatic?



There must be justice, or there can be no healing.

-A thread on current nazi and alt right symbols — many were not familiar to me.


Judge them. If they committed crimes put them on trial.


I hope you have a good weekend. I’ll meet you back here on Monday. I miss you already.


P.S. — The photo at top is a local castle I snapped a photo of this week. It’s called Chateau D’O.

9 thoughts on “A Few Things”

  1. Thank you so much for all that you do and am particularly here for your strong, bold take on social and political issues. Your blog and the community you’ve built have been a port in the storm these last years, including yesterday!!

    Not a fan of the sample podcast but then I’m not a big podcast listener in general. Would be more drawn to listen to follow-up thoughts on a specific post, for example.

  2. I just got a good chuckle – was wondering what the weird blacked out blob in the middle of your photo was so I googled Chateau D’O – and it turns out, it’s a tree! :D Duh!

    Thanks for the links, and the fantastic responses on your last post. Hang in there.

  3. I live in eastern Idaho and it’s interesting to read the New Yorker article about Ammon Bundy and his horrendous following. He has made me unbelievably mad for a long time. On top of that I’m mad he hasn’t been punished for some unlawful and exceptionally amoral actions. Idaho has such terrible mask wearing—even the people who do wear them often have their nose and top lip uncovered! Our hospitals have been begging for months and it’s heartbreaking. I also get super fired up about the use of Mormon quotes as justification. All in all I’m just so upset. Sorry, this isn’t coherent. I’m just so triggered by all my neighbors insanity!!

  4. Such a whirl of emotions reading through your suggestions this week. What has happened is especially painful when I know quite a few Trump supporters…they are quiet now, hopefully rethinking their trust in a madman? Possibly waiting for instructions on how to “view” what happened from their sources of information…ugh…

  5. I agree wholeheartedly. I appreciate your comment and certainly hope people know there are many people (including people like me who are members of the LDS religion and who live in Idaho) who vehemently disagree with everything Ammon Bundy does and says. He’s a scourge, a loud mouthed and ill informed troublemaker, and at his core, has the temperament and mindset of a spoiled toddler.

  6. Every January I take at least a month break from Facebook and this January I included a break from the New York Times as well. These are a rabbit hole that lead to me spending WAY too much time on my phone/online.

    This week I also started a 30 day meditation series. Instead of waking up and immediately checking FB and the NYT, I have coffee and meditate before my family wakes up. It has been such a lovely way to start the day and I can feel positive effects from it throughout the day.

    I feel a little bad about missing most of the news from this past week, but after 4 years of being sucked into vicious news cycles, I need a break.

  7. Longtime lurker here. I respect so much your ability to listen to others that I feel safe voicing this opinion here. I am a BLM supporter. I went to every protest in my town until the Jacob Blake shooting. But then I had to stop. As a victim of sexual attacks (I don’t say survivor because even after decades I still don’t feel I am surviving some days), I cannot condemn what happened to him. I still want to defund the police. I still protest in the name of others. But HE sexually victimised another person. My heart goes out to his victim and what she has to endure from the news, watching everyone decry what someone did to HIM.

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