Time Magazine Top 50

What a morning. It’s Olive’s 9th birthday today (and Ralph’s 13th birthday tomorrow). We have a tradition of breakfast in bed on birthdays, so I got up extra early to cook some bacon at Olive’s request. The house still smells bacon-y wonderful. Then it was time to get cupcakes ready for Olive’s class. Once the big kids were off to school, the little ones helped me wrap Olive’s presents. She’s obsessed with lime green right now, so we picked out lots of green things and wrapped them like this:

After the presents were wrapped, I started on a project for Ralph’s birthday. (It turned out super cool. I’ll share photos and DIY after Ralph opens the present.) Around 11:15 this morning, I stopped at my computer to check in and the first thing I saw was an email with some very fun news:

Design Mom made Time Magazine’s 50 Best Websites of 2010. (!!!)

Holy moly. I can’t even believe it. I’m completely honored to be listed with sites like Etsy and Babble (who I write for). Of course, Oscar and Betty are impressed that I was listed with Sesame Street. And frankly, I’m not-a-little-stunned to be on any list with sites and services I love and frequent, like The Onion, LinkedIn, Tumblr and TED.

Three big thank yous: 1) thank you to Leap Design for working so hard to make my site awesome, 2) thank you to Time Magazine for the acknowledgment, and 3) thank YOU for reading — your comments and emails always make my day.


P.S. — I shared the news with Ben Blair and he immediately wanted to celebrate. Happily, cake and ice cream are already on the schedule today.

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